Piston & Chain Group Ride Etiquette

1 Brief everyone on the ride and route before starting out.

2 Arrive with a full gas tank, having already used bathroom.

3 Appoint a lead rider

4 Appoint a sweeper (last rider)

5 Pick a couple gather points on the ride to count noses

6 Know the route in case you get separated

7 Pick and share one phone number for texting in case of, well, anything

8 Ride at your own comfortable pace. Group rides can often push people beyond their skills. Don't get caught up in keeping up.

9 See #8. Seriously.

10 When making a turn off of any given road, stop and wait until the next person sees you. Rinse and repeat. This way the group can keep moving without losing anyone in the turns

11 Let faster riders past you. The group should automagically end up fastest to slowest after a while (It's ok to be slowest!)

12 If you have to bail out, send a text so we don't have to come looking for you.

13 Have fun, that's the whole point. Extra credit: post your awesome shots and story to Insta/face/ter/gram and the list and tell everybody how fun it was.

Mike Prasad
Mike Prasad
